Here are my most recent posts:
Could Lowering Homocysteine Levels Aid the Heart?
July 11th, 2011With each passing decade, we are learning more about how to keep our hearts healthy. As such, it is becoming increasingly clear that lowering homocysteine levels should join lifestyle modifications and cholesterol reduction for a comprehensive cardiovascular wellness program.
Show Me More »Exercise Is Proven to Beat Fatigue
May 31st, 2011Breaking the myth that working out will tire you out, the scientific community has proven that regular exercise either reduces or totally eliminates fatigue.
Show Me More »How to Recognize a Heart Attack
January 28th, 2011Contrary to popular belief, there are more warning signs for a heart attack than simple chest pain. Familiarize yourself with its symptoms so you can recognize when a heart attack is in progress.
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Can Snacking On Grapes Improve Your Heart’s Health?
January 17th, 2011February is American Heart Health Month. Although most of us recognize that fresh fruit constitutes a healthy snack, research shows that grapes go above and beyond this call by offering outstanding heart health benefits.
Show Me More »How to Stop Diabetes from Harming Your Kidneys
October 25th, 2010November is National Diabetes Awareness Month. Since those with diabetes are particularly susceptible to kidney damage, learn why they should be aware of these three approaches to prevent harm to these important organs.
Show Me More »Fighting Fatigue During and After Breast Cancer Treatment
September 30th, 2010October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Learn how the exhaustion that frequently accompanies breast cancer treatment and recovery can be minimized with these six health tips.
Show Me More »Positive Emotions Help Heart Health
September 21st, 2010September 26th is World Heart Day. While holistic physicians have been touting their connection for years, the entire medical community now recognizes the existence of a bond between the heart and mind. In fact, their relationship is so strong that negative emotions can harm cardiovascular health while positive feelings could be your heart’s best ally.
Show Me More »Breaking Three Common Energy-Sapping Habits
September 1st, 2010Maybe fatigue is considered normal because the habits that cause tiredness are so ingrained in our society.
Show Me More »Why Smoking Spells Trouble for Your Heart
June 29th, 2010Make sure you know what the tobacco and health industries both know – that smokers are gambling with their cardiovascular health with each and every cigarette they burn.
Show Me More »Three Tips for Stroke Prevention
June 15th, 2010Knowing how to prevent a stroke goes beyond taking your physician-prescribed medications. By following three, simple lifestyle recommendations, you can double your chances of escaping a stroke.
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