Finally, the chill of winter is easing up and the sun is coming out! Time to get out and enjoy the spring!
But what’s this? It seems that the dry winter weather has left your skin scaly, your nails chipping, and your hair dull and brittle. How can you get that bounce and glow back to match your spring mood?
What’s Going On?
Smooth, strong hair, skin and nails is an indicator of health, so when these three (known as the integumentary system) don’t look and feel healthy, it’s important to ensure that no health issues are behind the change. For example, liver inflammation can interfere with the liver’s ability to store iron, an essential building block for the cells that make up hair, skin and nails.
However, if a health issue is not to blame, you simply may be feeling the effects of the long, dry, cold winter.Keep reading to learn five ways you can jump start your recovery!
Treat Yourself
Warm water may initially feel soothing to dry skin, but too many hot showers and harsh soaps and shampoos can strip away essential oils and leave skin drier than ever. A little pampering can make an immediate difference.
- For a homemade conditioning mask for hair, mix a tablespoon of raw honey with two tablespoons coconut oil. Work into hair from the ends up and let sit for 20 minutes before rinsing.
- If you prefer the tub, try an oatmeal bath to soothe irritation. Adding a cup of whole milk can also be an effective way to moisturize your bath. Then, apply a thick moisturizing cream immediately after the bath to trap moisture at the surface level.
- Turn down the heat and take more tepid showers. Pat skin gently to dry, but before moisture begins to evaporate, apply a natural moisturizer such as a thin layer of olive or grape seed oil.
- For dry, brittle hair, avoid shampooing every day. If possible, use shampoo only every other day or a couple times per week. If your scalp is especially dry and flakey, try massaging in coconut, olive or vitamin E oil before you shower.
- Honey can also help nails. Mix equal parts honey, apple cider vinegar and coconut oil, and let sit on nails and cuticles for 5 to 10 minutes before rinsing.
Pay Attention to Nutrients
To maintain strength and health over the long term, hair, skin and nails require a balance of vitamins and nutrients from a variety of sources.
- Vitamin C is essential to healthy skin and hair cells, so fill your plate with citrus fruits and dark green vegetables.
- Monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids hydrate your cells from the inside. Be sure you’re including superfoods such as fish and sardines, olive oil, avocados and flax meal.
- Add variety with a range of foods that add nutrients such as vitamin D (yogurt); zinc, selenium, sulfur and iron (eggs); and protein (lentils and beans).
To ensure you get the full spectrum of nutrients you need, look for a supplement that provides a balanced list of ingredients targeted to enhance hair, skin and nail health.
With a little TLC and healthy habits, your hair, skin and nails can look as good as you feel this spring!
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